
129 Audio Reviews

96 w/ Responses

Grrrrrrr >:P

Demo's, there's so many I'm listenin' to that I can't comprehend how much I wanna hear the final version, even my own demo!!! (slaps myself in the face)

Anywho, this is great! Defintely a dance track. It's your chill style, but still dance. You should maybe bring your synth volume louder, but the beat and percussion is great. I think you should make it more hyper when it comes to the final version cuz I haven't heard some hyper dance since Hardcore Newgrounds Bop :D I can't go to much in depth to this cuz I'm too lazy and shizz, but still, nice work!

YakovlevArt responds:

Haha, thanks for the review =]
Man, i want to keep this trancy if anything.
I will though make another hardcore dance track later my friend, do not worry.


Man, your music is off the charts awesome. I love your DnB. I also like the feeling of the song. The atmosphere with the bells gives it a winter feel & the title suits well for sure!

Your drums are hard and good. Maybe the kick could be a tad harder, but I can tell you must've eq'ed it a lil for that good sound on it.

I love the wobble bass cuz it makes it sound like singing. I'm enjoying the song so much that I don't even noticed it's repeating...UNTIL NOW :D. but it's still catchy so no point taken off for that.

Nice piano play. I can see you got good creativity, which I need a lil more of since I just got FL :p Also, since I need to learn this and can't seem to find good tutorials on it, what notes are good for piano to add together?? I mean I know the C5 and C4 notes and crap, but for more variation, what notes can I combine like black notes with white notes and stuff.

I like your FX's in this song. You had a wide variation of sounds goin' on in this song. Your bells still amaze me with it's dingy-ness.

Dude to a low amount of energy, I will not type anymore, but great song either wat. Good job!!!

Atundra responds:

Thanks man that review just brought me out of a really shit mood!

About the pianos haha I know absolutely no music theory , I just jam out untill i get something that I like the sound of, I don't know the names of any chords either hahaha, just experiment

Thanks for your review man much appreciated!!

Wow, beautiful

This turned out nice, hasn't it?? I really like this man. I'd say instead of miscellaneous, put it into the Drum 'n' bass, even though it needs more bass. But the drums make it DnB for sure!

At the beginning I said "Ok, weird, but I'll keep goin' with it." Which I'm glad I did. I heard the piano & I was "Wow, heartwarming combo right there." So you got points there & the synths came in and some drums & I was like "Sweet, getting better for sure." Then the rest on I was ecstatic.

Your main melody is very good & original. This is certainly a different style of combo's I don't normally hear in Electronic music. This reminds me of a song called Streamline by Newton, at least the beginning part does (if you haven't heard it, you should. It's great)!

Your piano is what really makes the title correct. It has this aroma feel to it where it's just like "awesomeness." The beggining was probably the best part hearing it cuz the flute & piano made such a great combo deal & it sounded so light & fluid, but reminds me of a person walkin' through a rose garden or somethin' and then when the song comes in faster, they turn all super and just run through destiny, in which they face many challenges, but only to see their true love.

Your chord progression is nice!!! I don't know how much time this took you, but you defintely pulled it off to make it sound perfect. & I love that synth for the break at 2:24.

My only problem is that your transitiong seemed just a little awkward. It's so nice & calm, then you have a synth and some drums, then they go away, & then the sudden speed-up just kinda came in, ya kno?? I think the speed-up could've been slower & it still wouldn't have been really that repetitive cuz hearing this song, you could pull out a slower speed-up.

Either then that, the song overall, is fantastic!!! Nice atmosphere, transition, & variation indeed!!! Nice job :D

JMChurch responds:

Thank you for that well thought out review, and it was very constructive to the point that I know what I should improve on, and what to add. I will have to give Streamline a listen though. Also, the song took me about nearly 48 hours, on and off thatis. Mainly all this morning to finish, and voila, you get the result of it.

Thanks again for your review,

Unce unce unce unce un...oh wait...it's over

Haaa, sorry I never responded to that PM. I never review when the PM comes unless I'm not doin' anythin', which I am, but I just figured I'd review the song now. Plus, I've been learnin' FL Studio since I got it last month so yeah (didn't buy it yet, just got FL Reg. Key)

Everything sounds professionally perfected here. I gotta say when I heard 3:47, I liked that part probably the most cuz that kick was very punchy & it just sparked up all the instruments.

The atmosphere & FX's were amazing! You put it just the right amount of reverb to make that flow in the song. It leaves an empty space until you hear that note again while a different instrument is rising. Also, your sweeps & transitions were way better in the final version.

Your mastering skills are off the hook man. Since I just got FL Studio, & am workin' on a remix of this one song, I need to learn how to master better and I was wondering if I could get an .flp file or somethin'?? It doesn't even have to be this song, just one of your songs that's mastered, which I'm guessin' all of them cuz they all sound so freakkin' good :D

Your instrumentation is great. I love your orchestry to this song, makes a big structure onto this song. How the song progressess just moves me, yet I'm still relaxin' in my chair listenin' to this. & that flute is probably my favorite cuz I never hear those in songs anymore & putting it into a progressive trance/house makes it more of a challenge, but you excepted the mission & accomplished the assignment.

Your low sub bass is quite interesting. I love how you have nice subs and then you got the more upbeat bass. It's nice how you put variation into it so that the song wouldn't lose points.

One of the most important jobs of a song, especially in electronic music, is to not have repetitiveness & you, sir, didn't have too much. Now sure, it did get a little repetitive, but since this is more of a progressive trance to kinda relax to, it makes sense. You defintely had more variation then repetitiveness.

If you can, could you send me a download link for sub-bass preset you used?? If it belongs to some kinda VST, could you tell me which one cuz I might have it, but If I don't, do you think you could send a download link to it, if you got it free??

Anywho, this, overall, was a great song. Hearing it about 3 or 4 times in a row, I don't hear any problems with it. Nice job man, keep it up!!!


YakovlevArt responds:

Amazing review!
I got back to you via messaging =]
But thanks a lot for the extensive review man!
greatly appreciated!
Can't wait to see what you write on my future tracks =]

Wow, wonderful song!!!

This is a very different style of 8-Bit. You've added some fancy class to it by putting in those strings, yet the song itself just sounds fancy-ish.

I love the main lead. I think it's very original & well composed. Same goes to the bass, it kicks-ass man!!! I can tell you must have some great music theory goin' on there.

Nice beat. Not to complex, but fitting to have the listener moving. The best part about it is that it wasn't toally overdone like ultra snare rolls or somethin'.

I must ask, what VST's do you use?? Cuz I love the bass and main lead. Same goes for the strings man, what VST?? I mean, I have like one orchestral VST, but that's it. If you somehow got it free, could you send me a link or somethin'?? Cuz i love your 8-Bit songs!!! I think you should expand on this. Maybe not too long, cuz if you make it too long, it might just lose it's taste, ya know?? Maybe expand to like 2:30 or so. Overall, nice job.
5/5 & 10/10

15thDimension responds:

First of all, thanks for reviewing! As for the VSTs, I used 3xOSC in Fl Studio for the lead and bass, and z3ta+ for some background filler chords. There weren't actually any strings in this track, just piano from a free piano soundfont found online.


Different for your style

I gotta say, this reminds me of MustyElbow's last song before he left for school to have good grades and not get distracted and stuff. What's different about this is the emotional vibe from this song really gives it some zest. This is defintely better then the demo and a perfect song to leave for a month to want to get to listen to more songs from you.

The beat you made was awesome. It was defintely different from your usual style, especially the snare, but then again, you always change the beats in all your songs which is what's great about your music.

The 808 bass was defintely deep man. They kept pounding and my ears were pleased. I don't know what you used for it, what did you use to make it?, but it sure sounded great like I've never heard from your songs before, which is in a good way. Also, nice bass drops, don't normally hear those.

The strnigs must've been like the best part of the song. So emotional, so original, & it really out does a lot of your songs orchestral vibes. The strings is what reminded me of MustyElbow's song, Goodbye. Very nice!

The piano never lets me done. Those breaks with the piano are always awesome. Always originally composed, great music theory you got there.

Overall, wonderful piece you got goin' on here. My 2 problems are that the rises seemed uncompressed, but it might just be me and at 1:55-2:00, there seemed to be a random rise in volume. But either then those 2 minor issues, it's pretty nice. I won't mark a point off cuz I don't wanna ruin the 10 chain here ;)

Do you think you can send me the .flp of this. I'm not gonna remix it, but I'd just like to see how you made the song & stuff. Again, good job, nice instrumentation, great bass, heavy beat, & great composition!!!
& a happy face :D
(P.S.-Happy Ramadan)

O-Prime125 responds:

Thank you for your honest long review, you are right about the rise in the volume for around 5 seconds but that is because I drop the bass for 5 seconds then resume it, ermm Im afraid it took me time to make this so I won't be sending anyone the flp however...check out my youtube channel which has this song shown on video how I did it. :)

Woah, what's wrong with my ears??

They keep saying "oh yes, give it to me, now insert those headphones, ooooo the bass is really pumpin' in me." :D This song is moving, my ears are grooving, & I just love it.

The vocals are great. Ever do I rarely hear vocals in DnB so this was a really good switch to the genre. The vocals were also really good & sang perfectly for a great effext to the listener. The hook was also excellent too! It was nice to hear the vocals kinda rise then start singing.

The drums are great!!! Nice how you started with some simple rides in the beginning & when the drums kicked in with the song at 1:06, that's when the song truely caught my attention. The problem with some DnB songs I hear is that there's usually not a hard kick, but this kick is very punchy and really pops-out to get attracted to the drums/song.

The synths were great. With all the variation with, not just the synths, but the song itself, it made the song even better. The chords were excellent during the breaks, but different at the same time because they didn't sound like house chords in an DnB, but just more techno-ish. The main lead was one of my favorite parts to the song saying that it was so catchy & original.

The bass was pumpin'. You had a good sequence with the bass indeed, especially the wobble bass like parts at 1:50 & 4:03. What was great about the wobble bass was that it wasn't heavy, like a common dubstep wobble bass, but a good, original wobble bass that sounds intense!!!

I gotta say, this song had great atmosphere. Your rises were great & fitted perfectly. The atmosphere was so good that it didn't even need any big crashes that were too over-dramatic or anything. The sweeps that I occasionally heard were also very nice.

Overall, excellent song. This song surely deserves #1 top spot of the week. I mean great variation, nice instrumentation, excellent sequences, & you really put the kick in drum & the oomph in bass. Nice job!!!


I thought shag & scooby were just friends, not...lovers!!! I laughed when you/shaggy said "your whiskers are tickling my balls!" Good job
5/5 & 10/10

SirKillington responds:

Thank you sir!


Normally when I see the genre, miscellaneous, I get kinda bored with it, but this was amazing!!! I mean just the mood and strings created were excellent

I love music boxes! It has to be one of my favorite instruments because of it's mood and tone, especially if sequenced right by a great artist, and you proved that you are a great artist with such great production.

Since I sometimes make hip hop songs, I'll say that the beat was very fitting with the song. At first I thought "Hmmm." Then I remembered "wait this isn't hip hop" cuz I'm use to hard beats, but it was great none the less.

The strings were great. It was a big part to this song. I mean the orchestral feel was really created and combined with synths, you made something beautiful out of this.

That piano rocked my socks. How those notes were played were excellent and really showed you had good music theory for shizzles.

What can I say, this song had great instrumentation, nice filtering for the fade out, awesome variety, & a very dramatic mood to it. Maybe one day when I get better at FL, since I just got it, we can collab. Overall, fine job here!!!

FAV Song/Artist
& a happy smile :)

RetromanOMG responds:

Haha, you noticed this song's secret, kind of. It was originally going to be a HipHop/R&B beat, but made a lot of changes to it.

As for the strings, those are, with the music box and the piano, my favorite instruments to use in music. Thank you for your thoughts.

And someday doing a collab with you sounds great.

Nice song "Charusu"

Hehe, I saw you producing this musical composition :D It's very catchy, little repetitive, but it's short so I'll let it go.

That kick sounds techno, hard, & professional, which I like. The hi-hat kicked in a little late, but I'm ok with that.

The main lead is very sexy, very smooth. Probably my favorite part of the song. The synth around 1:25 is nice, kinda funny that it popped in like that, but nice.

The bass was defintely pumpin' for sure. The bass at 1:11 is the only problem I have. Either the volume was up to high, there were 2 different basses, or it just wasn't compressed for some reason. But either then that compression, it still sounded ok.

Overall, pretty nice song. I would've reviewed this sonner, but I was playing Goin Up ;) Nice one for a 1st one & I tip my hat.

& a smiley :)

charusu responds:

Haha, thanks. I try my best! :] Again thanks "stavier"

I am Xavier, but you can call me Stavier. I dable in the making of music production. You should checkout my songs cuz you just should, k??

Age 26, Male

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