
129 Audio Reviews

96 w/ Responses

Haha, as said on bottom, bing bong...bing

I love the variation of voices your capable of. I enjoyed this cuz it was silly. Haa, an elephant is the biggest BUS in the world, classic :]

SirKillington responds:

Ha! Glad ya liked it. This was just an audition for RicePirate :D

Swag beat song!!!!

I gotta say, the emotion and effort you put in your beats must be huge cuz I'm feelin somethin' here. Congrats on the TOP 5, you deserved it.

Your strings were probably the best part. That's what conveyed the emotion. It set this firm tone into the song like I'm the king and they be my peasents and then the whole world just falls apart and goes to war. I think the violin at 2:29 sounds great, but is panned a lil' too much.

Your beats are always flawless. Your kick is damn nice and hits hardcore. Hi-hat was pretty good too as well. I think panning those a lil' would be better since it seems to hit fast at times. That shaker/perc was a nice touch too, but maybe bringin' the volume down for that would help since it'd probably sound better in the background. Also, I like your snare and clap. The clap seems too back there since I barely noticed it, but if it was too loud, it probably ruin the song, so I guess it's good. But the pattern and variation to the drums in this song were spectacular!!!

Man, if I were too play this song in a car, it'd probably annoy the crap out of people with the 808 banging right by them :D You think you could send that 808 as an .fst or tell me how you made it?? Cuz that's a damn nice 808.

Love the piano dude. Those always just attract me in a song if they sound just right, which you did :) I think adding small little high pitched rolls with the piano in the chorus parts would be a nice touch.

The synths were great. Those always add a good variation to the song as well. It's also very relaxing and just comes together nicely in this piece.

Your outro and intro were great. The ending was just simple and good while your outro was short, yet powerful, I like!!!

Overall, this was a very nice song and I think it worked out perfectly. I think this song would be perfect to rap and I disagree with the guy on the bottom cuz then if it were any faster, you could barely rap to it. Congrats on TOP 5 :D

O-Prime125 responds:

I really do find your reviews to be very useful to me, Im really glad you enjoyed this song of mines, I actually did not use a clap at all in this song but instead a snare which sounds a lil like a clap :p, I will send you the 808 to your mail...glad you enjoyed this song though! :)

Long time, no review

I've been kinda dead on reviews lately cuz of skool and other crap :P But, you will be my first review in awhile. It's nice to see a lil' change up from you, seeing and hearing that you made a dnb track :D Let's get sterted now on dis revuuu

That bass is damn sexy. That's a really nice reese bass you got goin' there all wobbly and liquid. Makes my body shiver with evil & such. At 2:18, that's probably the best part with that bass. Also, it had some nice variation in there too.

Drums, the 2nd most important part of a dnb song. That snare hits nice. Maybe a little less reverb, but still sounds great. That kick is also eq'ed rather awesomely, but seems to need to hit harder. The only reason I say that is cuz the kick sounds too techno-ish since I'm listenin' with headphones. Maybe boost them hi-hats up just a lil' on the volume. Besides that, the variation and patterns themselves agree nicely with the song :D

Lov the vocal sample, where did you get it from anyways?? I think you should've used it more cuz it sounded great. Like you could've used it a 2nd time, but make it all glitchy and high pitched or somethin', but that's just a suggestion, not an issue or anythin'

Nice arp you got in there. Makes the track more hyper and fast paced. You used it very nice during that 2nd break too. Had the same thing goin', but never got repetitive since you added fx's to it, well played sir.

That was also a nice synth you had in there. Was that a nexus preset??:D Cuz it sounds so freakin' similiar. I like how you glitched it too. Did you use dblue glitch?? Cuz it sounds like it. Not judging you if you use it cuz dblue glitch is the bomb man!!!

Nice ambient pad you used here and there too. You fitted in nicely with neurofunk part of the song. Those horns rocked my socks too cuz they added nice transitiong to the song.

The intro was very nice. Already gave me the feel it was goin' to be dark, along with the title, even though I don't know what it means :P The outro seemed kinda ehhh. Maybe you could've ended it with like a super glitchy ending with the pitch goin' up and or down or somethin', but not completely sure, yet the horn ending the song was good.

Overall, this was a very good song. When it comes to DnB, I like to review it with tremendous critique, ya know?? Nice job man!!!
5/5 (Cuz im a 5 bomber)

Haa nice :D

I wont leave much cuz I'm too lazy rite now, but nice. I was like OH GOSH, another Around The World remix :P I think every1 needs to remix this song or somethin' haha, even me at some point cuz I swear every1 has :D

YakovlevArt responds:

Haha, for sure man, I mean it's a classic!

Glad you like it =]

Alright, now I can review it :D

Took awhile, but I'm finally ready to review the song. Here we go!!!

Nice progressive house track you got hur. Your choice of instrumentation was awesome which made the variation astonishing. I really like what you chose to use here. Nice mastering too. I always put the screen on Simplewave just too see the volume and it didn't look crazy or anything, in fact, it looked quiet for some reason, so it's jivin' me. I'm guessin' you rendered it to HQ cuz the file size seems big for a 4 min. song, plus it sounds great.

I'm picky when it comes to the drums and I actually really liked your drums. The begginning percussion sounds great. I never hear cowbells too much so I liked that variation to the genre of house there. Nice layering and combination of kicks. Maybe pump up the volume of the drums and percussion a little, but great otherwise.

Your synths in this song were nice. The main melody made me feel like I was doin' a marching dance or somethin'. I liked how you slowly transitioned your way into new synths.

Really nice other stuff I heard in this song like bells, scratches, and the voice glitching. Those bells give it this ambient, winter feel. It really has a great feel to it. Those scratches I heard around 2:09 and on were awesome. Was that some kinda vst thing you had or somethin' or just a .wav file or wat cuz that was the randomest, awesomest thing ever! The voices glitches were nice. Those glitches always win me over for some reason, especially if it sounds super asian.

The only thing I would really advise is more bass. I like the bass synths, but you need some pumpin' subs or somethin' to explode them stereo's and headphones. Either then that, this song is really great. Congrats on Top 30, I see you up on Top 30 all the time now :D

YakovlevArt responds:

What a wonderful passage of a review you've left on my track! -Hahaha!
Damn dude!

-You I'm surprised you leave such extensive and deep reviews on my "electronic-type" tracks, when you make something like hip-hop...
When you leave these reviews it really makes me believe you listened to the track more then once and listened to the details and broke em down!
:))))))) -Many Thanks!-

When producing this track, some days I'd love it, some days I'd hate it. I would add new sound to it and it would make it bad, then I'd be forced to restart...it was a long and tedious process making this track.
Even when I was ready to upload it, I was unsure...i knew I was done with it, but i had a lack of confidence, but having a friend like you leave me reviews on tracks like this....Oh boy, I feel so much more reassured and I know I did a good job.
You are a great guy!
Hope to see you leave hella big reviews on more tracks in the future =]

Thanks for the review =]


This song/remake is very good indeed. I'm surprised you don't have more views then I expected. Now to review :D

I really like the intro. That synth was very interesting to me cuz it just sounds so simple. What did you use for that synth at the beggining anyways?? I like how you decided to use more synths too since normally you don't have this amount of synths. I can't really find anythin' wrong with them so nice, especially the choir synth.

Your beat was great as usual. I suggest addin' some more volume to everything. Also, if you didn't, sidechain your kick to the bass so it can pop out more. In fact, I noticed at some parts the kick seems uncompressed like at the hooks. But besides those issues, the patterns of the kicks have great variety.

Nice 808 man. What are you using for the 808 anyways cuz it sounds great. I could imagine one of those jack-ass guys in their car with this song blasting the 808 and some old folks talkin' slang sayin' stfu but the guy can't hear you even though he has his window open :P

I like your fx's. Nice bass drops of course cuz they do stand out nicely. I thought the sound of the synth/tom roll at 1:05 sounded a bit odd cuz it sounded good, but then it kinda turned a little too clicky for me since I'm usin' headphones at the moment.

I love your composition of the strings. They really fit well & sounded great. The only bad part is that it seemed to over power a lot of the stuff, including the drums. Otherwise, it's spectacular.

Overall, nice remake dude. Great instrumentation, variety, intro, outro, composition, & swag!!!

O-Prime125 responds:

I really do appreciate your amazing review, always seem to please me! ^^
Thanks a lot, I used an interrogate in nexus for the synth, for the 808 I used a sustained kick which comes in the slightly cracked 15 sound pack, yeh at 1:05 i made that quite different :p, thank you and im glad you enjoyed! :)

Wow, simply exquisite!

When I saw this on Top 5 I was like "HOLY CRAP, Jazz is barely on here so I hope it's good." & it's not good... It's amazing!!!

It's a nice tune to relax during anything really. In fact, I'm doin' homework with this just looping in the background. Sure, I may not be doing my homework now since I'm typing this review, but I thought this deserved a good review.

The siplicity is very good. It sounds like you recorded this perfect, but I'm guessing you edited it a lil' to cuz I mean who can record perfectly like this. You must've been playing guitar for a VERY long time cuz it sounds so perfect on every note.

I love your thumping percussion, it really makes the song more natural like as if your in a club. Oh if this had vocals, it'd make my dad. It sounds like this song is just ripped outta Animal Crossing from one of K.K. Rider's song, but without the wear humming/singing or whatever he does :P

Overall, great, smooth feeling this song interacts to my emotions :D Congrats on Top 5!!!
& a smile to cheer the day like this song did too me ^____^

Woo, Omega is back :D

I think I said this in the review for Simplicity, but I still love your work. It is truly amazing. Alrighty, time too review, shall we...or I....I guess :P

Your drums have improved from last time. Glad they're not overpowered, but I also suggest more layering, but since they're still at a good enough volume, I won't take off any points. If you didn't EQ any part of the drums, I also suggest that, especially the kick cuz that always has to be punchy for the listener. Good variation in the drums too, I like!

Your synths are what grabbed me. They're odd, yet your style. I like the pad at the beginning song. It's like the song evolutionizes to 3 different elements. I like the dubstep part of the song most cuz it's not like a dubstep wobble bass, but just a normal techno one. Technically a synth, but whatever. At 1 min., that synth or synth keyboard is a bit hectic, but defintely fits the title and is mastered quite well.

Your atmosphere was good. I think you could've used more for the atmosphere section of the song though. Maybe some drops and rises. I know, there are some in the song, but then those ones don't fit. For example, at 50 sec., the rise starts sounding weird and throws the synth/wobble bass outta tune. Your drops were ok, as in the FX, but I think you should change it to an epic reverb kick that just makes it sound like...epic :P The drops as in the voice part was ok, but I think adding a bass drop before the vocals would make it awesome cuz then it'd be rise, reverb kick with bass drop, then the voice and BAM! You got yourself an epic drop for techno.

The outro was ehhhh. But then again, the song is short so I guess it's alright. I think you should extend this so that you can add more stuff if this were too be a WIP version. The intro was fine as it was though.

Overall, nice song. I like the sounds you've used hear and the rhythm packed in this jam. Nice job sir!!!:D

Omega-Ravager responds:

Thanks man! I'll definitely take your advice into consideration and see what I can do!
Thanks for the review!



Man, your songs always sound great too me. Especially that smooth, yet loud 808. Man, is that just a preset you have oor was that in some kinda kit or what?!?!

Anywho, I love how all your songs sound like an orchestra, but with some 808 and drumline added in to make it more of a hip hop style. I think the style you went for really goes with the title. The variation is also very good & your atmosphere built by the structure of the strings is incredible.

Tell me, did you use Eastwest for this song?? Cuz if you used EDIROL, I tip my hat too you sir for makin' such a simple VST gold. If you used Eastwest, I still tip my hat to you since you know how to use it properly along with your knowledge of good music theory.

The style you made here indeed sounds like a more asian style along with your hip hop strings that are more panned to the side, which is excellent. Your brass added in later in the song really fit well. This song makes me think "if I were to go to heaven, would I choose this as my laast song?"

Your intro and outro was simple, yet good. I'm glad you don't just suddenly end it cuz the music I check out here on Newgrounds tends to do that a lot. I'm pretty sure I also heard a synth in there. I like it, but I think you should higher the volume on that cuz if I hadn't repeated this song and just paused it, I would've accidently reviewed that you should've added one, but that's my only advice. I mean, maybe when that brass comes in, you don't need it there cuz then it'll be jumbled, but just small advice. Also, I'm glad the part with the brass wasn't too jumbled so good job on that.

Your FX's were awesome. I love those bass drops cuz there's so heavy, but not overpowering. Your crashes are very fitting. I'm use to those long crashes at the end of songs were it stays for a lil bit, but a small crash for this song fit well. You added just enough reverb and FX's to everything in this song that it worked out perfectly. I also thought your choice in instrumentation was good.

Overall, excellent song. Nothing really wrong with it that I can hear. Keep up da good work, sir!!!

O-Prime125 responds:

Thanks a lot for the long review, everything you said about my song is correct, I did use Eastwest...was actually thinking on using Edirol but I wanted to use Eastwest as it as high higher quality instruments in there. I did want to add that asian type of feel it, glad you liked it! :), I'll see if I can make the gated pad (synth) a bit louder, overall really loved the review, stay tuned bro!


from other stuff I've heard in this genre, but unique as well. Like the bottom review said, not too big on the panning, but it's still ok.

I think the beat should be more simple. I must say, the kick is ok, maybe a bit more hip hop-ish or layering it with another hip hop with some parametric eq 2, if you have FL Studio, to give it more oomph. Also, you don't need too many kicks. I think the beat needs more to it. Maybe some slow hi-hats, some percusiion (shakers, tambourine, etc.), possibly snare if it fits in, and a better clap. I'm usually big when it comes to the beat essential of the song so that's just tips.

Your synths are what make this song different, yet unique. The panning is a lil bit weird. It throughs the listener off at the beginning, but I got use to it as you added less. Maybe instead of 100% from left to right, do it 50%.

The piano was also very different. I'm glad it wasn't repeating or it would've boring. Tell me, is that delay you added to your piano? If it is, it sounds a little off cuz it sounds like you didn't add reverb. If it had either a different style of delaying, which I don't think you need to change, or reverb, it could sound much better, but the notes played were good.

The bass is good, but to make it better, you should add some bass booster to it and make it louder with some 808 attached to it. Not a crazy lex-luger 8808, but somethin' soothing, but I don't think you need that if you make your bass more boosted cuz I know Newgrounds make the bass sound weird.

Not sure what to call it, crunches I think, example at 2:12, is odd. It fits, but you need a better transitioning to it. Maybe to make the song shorter and to have more variation, keep the beat how it was alone, then add the pan synth and then keep the pan synth and add the crunches.

I think your atmosphere should be improved a bit. It doesn't seem like you lead in and out of things. You seem to play it, variate it, and add/subtract stuff from the song at times. You need more lead ins like a simple scratch everytime you get into a break/verse/chorus of the song (chorus-piano & verse-anything added or by itself while the piano isn't playing, if that's considered the verse and not the chorus or what not). & for the lead outs, I'd suggest adding a simple, light crash, but yet noticeable, but not to sudden and odd, if you know what I'm saying, cuz almost all crashes sound different.

You intro was fine, but like I said, a lead in would be good for it. The outro was a bit sudden for me. It seemed you had your thing playin' and all and then it kinda just ended. Not sure what you should do for the ending, depending if you edit this, but maybe just play the instruments at the end without the drums with a big rise and then a bass drop with a crash. Also, you ending was sorta long so you might want to fix that.

Nice variation in this song. The variation does make the song unique. It's nice you had different patterns to the drums. All the stuff added in this song does make the listening experience different, yet better.

Last thing I'd like to mention is that your quality is pretty good, The only part it seems weird it at 1:10 when it repeats a lil, but I don't know, maybe it's just me or the piano, cuz everythin' else, quality wise, sounds great.

I am tryin' to give this song good critique cuz this song has potential, so that's why I'm being a little harsh with this review, but I don't usually most of the time go lower then a 6 since I don't do that all the time. Anywho, this overall is pretty good, just needs more work and it'll sound 10 times better!!!:D

I am Xavier, but you can call me Stavier. I dable in the making of music production. You should checkout my songs cuz you just should, k??

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